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    How are SQL Injection attacks prevented?

    SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data driven applications like stSoftware.

    stSoftware systems support a number of web accessible protocols including:-

    • ReST
    • SOAP
    • Web Forms
    • GWT RPC 

    All protocols access the underlying data through the DAL ( data access layer). There is NO direct access to the underlying data store no matter which protocol is used. Each protocol accepts the request to read or write data and then perform the protocols validations and then passes the request on to the DAL to execute the request which in turn validates the request, checks the user's access and perform any validations before returning the result.

    SQL & XSS attacks are automatically tested for each of the supported protocols. Listed below are the standard SQL injection strings attempted.

    SQL Injection String
    \'; DROP

    by:Nigel Leck - 14 Mar 2014
    New template "Munter"

    A new template "Munter" has been added to our Content Management System (CMS). Munter is a very handsome Bootstrap 3 theme. Comes with beautiful features like a fixed arrows navigation, a nice portfolio showcase and a smooth scroll.

    Home page - mobile

    Munter iPhone


    by:Lei Gao - 7 Mar 2014
    Windows Active Directory Single Sign-on for stSoftware servers


    Single sign using Microsoft LAN Manager (NTLM) allows users within a intranet enviroment to use the system without the need to re-enter their password once they have logged into the Windows network.

    Note the NTLM protocol can only be used within a internet environment.  

    by:Nigel Leck - 2 Mar 2014
    New template "Grayscale"

    A new template "grayscale" has been added to our Content Management System (CMS). This template is a fully functional, premium quality Bootstrap theme. It includes the following features:

    • Easing scroll function for smooth navigation
    • Fully Functional, home + 3 pages Website
    • Google Map of your office location
    • All site details can be updated via the site wizard

    by:Lei Gao - 28 Feb 2014
    New template "Business Casual"

    The Content Management System (CMS) contains a new template "Business Casual"

    by:Lei Gao - 26 Feb 2014
    Assigning a domain (host) name to your stSoftware hosted website or web system

    After you have registered a new domain name with a domain name (DNS) provider such goDaddy, or you have an exisiting domain name, you need to change the associated IP address so that your domain name points to stSoftware's servers.

    Or contact us to add "Assigning your domain name" service to your website or websystem package and we'll manage it for you.


    Assign your domain (host) name to the IP addresses of our servers

    Have your DNS pointed to either of the two groupings of IP addresses below;


    by:Nigel Leck - 1 Jan 2014
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